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Choosing the right decal kit

Choosing the right design can be both difficult and easy. After all, it is your great hobby and lifestyle that you will reflect in color. Here are some tips that might be good to think about before you decide.


When choosing your design you can start by thinking about what style the kit should have. We usually divide our kits into two main types. The first is what we call the stylish design. These are very clear in their lines. The machine then gets a clear and racing inspired look. These designs are usually easier to add logos or names to.


The second type of style we call free-riding design. This is usually seen on free riding machines. It is a design that often has a lot of color and patterns in it. What all these designs have in common is that they are colorful and stand out in the crowd.

Our ambition and style

Swetown has always had as it's primary goal to show the way, be innovative and creative in decor. Our motto is "dare to be seen". And that's exactly how we work, to always challenge ourselves but also our customers to come up with new and exciting designs. We believe that will create success.

What is a decal kit?

A decal kit starts it's life as a white sheet that comes delivered to us on rolls. In order for it to be a finished product that can be mounted on your machine. A number of different manufacturing processes are required.

The design process

Before the production can begin completely, a design is required. You as a customer can choose between either a design that we have completed on our website or a design that we design according to your requests.


When the design is completed, the process goes into print. Here, the material is loaded into the printer and then stained with a durable ink. The finished result will then come out as a colored sheet with your desired design. The whole thing is then moved on to the lamination department where we apply a laminate which protects the paint extra against external wear such as UV radiation, twigs from trees and various fats. When this is complete, the sheet is moved to the last part of the manufacturing chain which is the cutting machine. The cutting machine cuts out all the parts that a decal kit consists of such as tunnel sides, tunnel top and side cover decals.


The color scheme of your decal kit should, of course, be completely personal and really only determined by your own taste. Generally speaking, there is no color that is wrong. But of course there are some things that can be good to think about before deciding on the color scheme. Remember to find a good balance between the machine and the colors of the decal. This does not mean that the whole kit necessarily has to go in the same color scheme, but it is usually enough that certain patterns or logos have the same color. This gives your machine a more natural and balanced appearance. Do you find it difficult to decide on the color scheme of your decal kit or have other thoughts about the different color options we offer. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help.

What fits on my machine?

Of course, every machine and brand has different designs that fit better or worse. It can be good to think about what you want your machine to symbolize. For example, if you have a machine that will market one or more company logos, it is good to choose a design that highlights these in a good way. Then usually simpler designs will work out good, that are more suited to logos. If you have a machine that should stand out and look good on for example, pictures. It might be a good idea to choose a design that is different in the pattern and color scheme. But whatever your machine should be used for, the main thing is that you yourself think the design is good looking and attractive.

Some of our favorite designs

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